Everywhere You Can Find Me At WorldCon Dublin 2019!
I’m going to my first ever WorldCon in a couple of weeks! I’m super excited to be included as part of the programming, and here’s all the places you can find me during the Dublin 2019 event:
Kaffeeklatsch: Cassie Parkes
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 15:00 - 15:50, Level 3 Foyer (KK/LB) (CCD)
A Kaffeeklatsch is a small, informal gathering where we can talk about whatever you like! We can chat video games, esports, comics, writing, books, life in Dublin, or anything else that’s on your mind! If you’ve attended previous WorldCons, I’d also love to hear some of your con stories, if you’re willing to share!
I’ll also try to bring along some League of Legends swag for anyone attending.
You need to sign up for the Kaffeeklatsch (places are quite limited), and I believe you can do that at the event itself.
I know my worth: the women of Marvel movies
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 17:00 - 17:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)
Marvel properties on the big screen have often been lambasted as having poorly conceptualised depictions of women: is this deserved? From the introduction of Black Widow through the animated Spider Gwen and now Captain Marvel as a leading lady, have women acquired better stories or just more screen time? What still needs improving? And how do the Marvel women compare to the critical acclaim of DC’s Wonder Woman?
A panel I’m really looking forward to! Come join myself, Peter V. Brett, Debra Jess, Benjamin Rosenbaum and Karina Steffens as we discuss the women of the MCU.
(I have a lot of feelings on Black Widow, and I want to be Spider-Gwen.)
Video game nostalgia: remakes and remasters
17 Aug 2019, Saturday 12:00 - 12:50, Wicklow Room-3 (CCD)
In recent years, there have been many video game remakes and remasters – Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil II, Tomb Raider – and many much anticipated future titles like Final Fantasy VII, but how do some go so right, and some so far wrong?
League of Legends hasn’t yet been remade, but the fun of a ten-year-old game is that it’s constantly reinventing itself. It’s always a joy to see how our Champions team updates and changes older characters, trying to maintain their essence while updating them for players in 2019.
But what happens when whole games are completely remade? Why are some fantastic and some…less so? I’ll probably be talking about Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem, Final Fantasy and a bunch of other stuff! Come along!
esports: the future of competition?
19 Aug 2019, Monday 15:00 - 15:50, ECOCEM Room (CCD)
In 2018 the League of Legends World Championship final had almost 100 million viewers. While esports are slowly gaining more mainstream recognition, will they ever achieve the same mainstream acceptance and appeal as ‘regular’ sports? Our panellists discuss the attractions of esports – to play and to watch – and their future direction.
esports! Go!
Come along and hear me chatting about what it’s like to work for a company known for its hugely massive esports scene, and my personal thoughts on stuff like The Overwatch League and the recent Fortnite World Cup.
(Thunder sticks not included.)
I’m really looking forward to attending my first WorldCon, and I have a lot to learn about the con’s traditions and recurring events. I’ve been watching a lot of vlogs and listening to a lot of podcasts to get a feel for the event—if you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them.
Let me know if you’re attending WorldCon Dublin 2019 in the comments below!